By being an SRC Member you will connect with other students, meet new people and gain invaluable professional experience on a committee in leadership, consultation, communication and teamwork.
As an SRC member you will be part of the decision making process at Southern Cross University, effect change and contribute to improving the student experience.
You will also have the opportunity to represent the SRC on other University Committees and workgroups. .
To be eligible to nominate for the SRC you must:
You can not be nominated by another student, nomination is a voluntary process.
SRC reps talk with students to gather the majority’s insights and information and communicate this with the University, as well as provide advice and recommendations.
As an SRC rep you will be an advocate for thestudents’ best interests.
Your dedication to the SRC is for two years, except the SCU College member, who is an SRC Member for one year. Your first SRC meeting will be mid-September 2022.
You will attend a minimum of five meetings a year and have the opportunity to represent the SRC on other University Committees and workgroups.
One student from each Faculty/College:
One International student (studying in Australia)
SRC also includes the Chair, Brendon Nelson Vice President (Students) and Registrar and appointed student members:
A dedicated Blackboard site within MySCU is the main forum for communications.
All Southern Cross University students will have access to this site and can directly connect with SRC members, create threads on specific topics for discussion, share documents and collaborate.
Recommendations: Best viewed on Google Chrome with a desktop computer as other browsers may block content.